Copyright 2013. Worcester Inter-Tribal Indian Center, (WIIC). All Rights Reserved. 

​​​Worcester Inter-Tribal Indian Center


​   Greetings from Worcester Inter-tribal Indian Center "Moccasin Hot Line",

WIIC 38th Annual Inter-Tribal Powwow

 JUNE 1st-2nd, 2019

Treasure Valley Campgrounds, Rutland, MA

(see flyer under POWWOW)

Camping is allowed and encouraged for this weekend, but please review the following points:

  • No camping will be allowed without registration ($5-$10 fee, per the size of your party).
  • Camper registration and setup will begin at 2:00pm on Friday, June 2nd. 
  • All rules for camping on these grounds must be followed and respected (especially in regards to fires)!
  • Children must be attended by responsible adults.
  • The beach and waterfront is off limits (due to camp liability)!
  • Cleanliness is a must! Everyone must keep their campsites clean, picked up and keep their food put away.
  • Campsite spaces are limited, and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis, until gone.
  • There are NO water, sewer or electricity hookups. There are outhouse style bathrooms and port-a-johns.
  • Quiet time is 10:00pm. No campsite setup will be allowed after 9:00pm.
  • You must email, and confirm with us, ahead of time, if you want to bring a camper or motorhome. 

Potluck is Saturday evening.

(If you are a camper, dancer, vendor, etc., you are invited to attend the potluck. It is not open to the general public. Please be sure to bring a dish to share. It should be large enough to at least accommodate feeding the number of people you're bringing to the feast.

Ads are still needed for the WIIC Powwow program booklet. The deadline is April 16, 2019.
Prices for ads are:
¼ page ad - $25.00
½ page ad - $40.00
Full Page ad - $75.00
Full Page ad & Business Card ad on Website - $100.00


There are some Membership Dues still outstanding. Dues are: $12.00 for Individuals or $15.00 for a Family. If you have not already paid your dues, please pop them in the mail to us at at: WIIC, PO Box 70055, Worcester, MA 01607.

We hope to see you at powwow again this year!

Many Nations,

Many Traditions,

One Family

​March, 2019